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ViewsHub is a feedback app to help teams work successfully together, aligning individual, company and team goals. Through its full suite of feedback tools enabling ongoing feedback (public, private, or anonymous) at any time, ViewsHub helps teams understand how to boost team performance, productivity and work better together. Over time, ViewsHub replaces the need for performance appraisals and annual employee engagement surveys. It not only measures team and company culture throughout the year, it shapes it for top performance for each organisation, aligning goals continually and enabling course correction whenever necessary. Signup now to build successful teams!
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Premium Group Hub Members

Create a job
Create a Job

Create jobs and let candidates apply via ViewsHub.

Match candidates with each other and against your company employee and teams
You have no more job credits left.

Upgrade your Recruiter package now to be able to create more jobs:

$195 per job: 10 Jobs per annum

$99 per job: 100 Jobs per annum

$50 per job: 1000 Jobs per annum

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You cannot sign up to ViewsHub using a personal email address,
such as Gmail, Hotmail, or Outlook.

Using your work email gives you automatic access
to your company’s hub where you can see everyone else
who uses the same work email domain (the ‘@companyname’ bit)
and helps us to verify that you work at this company.

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